Expediting Requests

Tips to ensure your expedite request is handled promptly.

Due to prolonged creditor and employer hold times, we ask that you provide the following to expedite processing times. We thank you in advance!

Tradeline Updates/Supplements

  • Borrower’s authorization, wet signature is preferred.
  • Please provide the full 16-digit account number when requesting credit card updates.
  • Include the best contact phone number for our staff to reach your borrower in cases where a conference call is required (please also notify the borrower that Birchwood may be calling and why).
  • If your borrower has provided statements or screenshots relative to the request, please upload these to the credit file as they may be helpful in expediting the completion of your request.
  • Please let us know if your borrower has a non-english language preference.

Inquiry Clearance

  • Signed borrower authorization


  • Signed borrower authorization.
  • If a supplement request is associated with a The Work Number request, a direct business email contact for the employer will be needed.
  • Please ensure you are providing the correct employer contact information (rather than the borrower's phone number & address).


  • Several creditors require specific letter templates (AMEX for example). Upon request, we will send you a sample copy.
  • When removing disputes, the borrower will need to provide a letter dated within 24-48 hours of your request, including the name of the creditor matching what the bureau is reporting, along with the account number. The signature must be physically signed to be accepted, we can provide a sample letter if needed.
  • Please provide the full 16-digit account number when requesting credit card updates.
  • For Barclays and FNB OMAHA, please provide the full account number from the borrower’s credit card as “Barclays” only reports with a credit reporting ID. We require the full account number to complete the request.